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The winter trees

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Guest 17-Jan-2013 07:09
This is so magical. Lovely sky and great composition. Voted
Petros Labrakos10-Feb-2011 07:19
Fantastic composition
superbly done V!!
Pieter Bos16-Aug-2010 18:55
Kim14-Aug-2010 09:57
Beautiful image!! BV
Dan Opdal08-Aug-2010 06:01
Very Nice B&W Image!!! V
M Hauss22-Mar-2010 20:49
What an incredible shot! Composition and contrast are flawless. v.
Tony Griffen27-Jan-2010 06:47
Beautiful image.
Jeroen Bosman19-Jan-2010 18:58
quite special with that tender snow cover, v.
Nikhil Bahl09-Apr-2009 02:31
Gorgeous. v
Neil Marcus04-Mar-2009 23:20
Technically perfect and well seen.
Guest 02-Mar-2009 20:22
Stunning shot.
Guest 21-Feb-2009 10:45
Outstanding picture! -V-
Guest 19-Feb-2009 22:37
A masterpiece
Eric Herbelin18-Feb-2009 16:44
Superb! V
Mary Terry15-Feb-2009 16:36
Fantastic winter scene! Vote
Guest 15-Feb-2009 08:48
Ray :)15-Feb-2009 01:06
Guest 15-Feb-2009 00:21
Lovely composition and clarity!
Jess. ( Lady.D.)14-Feb-2009 23:42
Beautiful in B/W....
urs14-Feb-2009 23:31
Wow, that's a stunning shot. The trees perfectly captured along with the breathtaking sky. Big V
Denis Vincelette14-Feb-2009 23:10
Another superb scene and composition ... Great post treatment !
s_barbour14-Feb-2009 21:54
Stark naked and so beautiful! V