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Bean field

Prints available

8 x 10: $30.00

11 x 14: $45.00

16 x 20: $60.00

20 x 30: $90.00

Canon EOS 20D
0.80s f/13.0 at 17.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Ashley Hockenberry07-Jan-2009 14:28
Ashley Hockenberry07-Jan-2009 14:28
Bryan Murahashi28-Jul-2008 05:45
Beautiful colors and dynamic range. V
Bryan Ramsay28-Jul-2008 02:03
Again I find myself agreeing with Mindy! Superb color and mood. -BJ
Mindy McNaugher28-Jul-2008 01:30
Gorgeous colors and mood! Vote!
angelique raptakis27-Jul-2008 23:55
lovely colors and lines, a beautiful image. v
s_barbour27-Jul-2008 22:10
Amazing colour Wei, very lush!
J Rayner27-Jul-2008 21:05
great colour and composition...this I love.