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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winter > why wait for spring
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Mar-2019 Frank Brault

why wait for spring

New England, USA

SONY DSC-RX100VI,Best at original size.
1/640s f/4.5 at 72.0mm iso125 Raw/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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bill friedlander19-Mar-2019 23:05
Better than being stuck inside. V
Fong Lam09-Mar-2019 08:21
Playing outdoors in winter can be just as fun....nice shot..V
Walter Otto Koenig05-Mar-2019 18:08
Wonderful shot. When you're that age Spring can be a long way off and playing can not wait. "V"
Blandine Mangin05-Mar-2019 15:55
une jolie scène ! lol, le printemps va bien finir par arriver aussi chez vous ! v
laine04-Mar-2019 22:21
No longer suffering cabin fever :))
joseantonio04-Mar-2019 19:38
very nice winter scene.V.
Robert Tallent04-Mar-2019 18:47
Sometimes you just can't wait for the season. The subject seems anxious for St. Patrick's Day to come around, too!