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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Galleries >> Street, Urban, Pub, Mall, Water, Beach, Marinas > 1924 Studebaker Big Six Touring
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31-May-2018 Frank Brault

1924 Studebaker Big Six Touring

Vintage Motorcars, 2000 Boston Post Road, Westbrook, CT USA

"The Studebaker Big Six was an automobile produced by the Studebaker Corporation of South Bend, Indiana between 1918 and 1926,.." Wikipedia

The asking price was $29,000. It has now been sold, but I do not know the final price.

"Stop in to see this big beautiful car of the 20s it is a 1924 Studebaker big six model EK series 24 four-door touring car five passenger this car is just a gorgeous representation of the cars from the early 20s looks gorgeous goes over the road terrific with its long 126 inch wheel base engine was just overhauled this car can be used as an everyday driver you also can take it to a car show and still be proud" Vintage Motor Cars

My first car was a used 1951 Studebaker Sedan with over 80,000miles on it.

Olympus PEN-F Digital ,Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-40mm f2.8 PRO ,Best at original size
1/100s f/5.0 at 12.0mm iso200 Raw/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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carol j. phipps25-Jul-2018 19:12
Beautiful capture! Looks like there may be a leak.
Dan Greenberg16-Jul-2018 17:17
Great car and really great shot! ~BV~
Milan Vogrin06-Jul-2018 20:23
Nice car.
laine26-Jun-2018 16:53
All class...
Buz Kiefer26-Jun-2018 15:27
Nice photo of this ancient gem. Looks to be in great shape. Vote.
borisalex26-Jun-2018 13:47
Great presentation to this beautiful car with lots of history! V
Blandine Mangin26-Jun-2018 11:57
beautiful old car ! v
Fong Lam26-Jun-2018 07:23
Such a lovely vintage...lucky new owner! V
Jeff Real26-Jun-2018 01:07
A very neat capture of this cool auto
Graeme25-Jun-2018 21:06
A fine example of this beauty, Frank.V+!