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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Galleries >> Street, Urban, Pub, Mall, Water, Beach, Marinas > boat trailer
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31-May-2018 Frank Brault

boat trailer

Baldwin Launch, Old Saybrook, Connecticut USA

Parking lot below the Raymond E. Baldwin Bridge, which crosses the Connecticut River about 5 miles from where the river flows into Long Island Sound.

Olympus PEN-F Digital ,Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-40mm f2.8 PRO ,Best at original size
1/160s f/5.0 at 22.0mm iso200Raw/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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laine21-Jun-2018 19:08
Super sharp details giving it a very abstract look...excellent, Frank. V
Buz Kiefer21-Jun-2018 18:45
Very sharp with terrific details and nice texture. A different look at a trailer. V
Jeff Real21-Jun-2018 17:08
This design is fascinating to see
Tom LeRoy21-Jun-2018 15:27
A well designed boat trailer. Excellent shot. V
Fong Lam21-Jun-2018 04:44
Great eyes to see this and composed into an interesting image...V
Jean D21-Jun-2018 00:25
Very informative capture of what it takes to keep the boat secure. ~V
joseantonio20-Jun-2018 19:41
interesting image.V.
bill friedlander20-Jun-2018 17:08
An interesting design to keep a boat safe and secure. V
Stephanie20-Jun-2018 14:42
How interesting! I can't say I've ever paid close attention to a boat trailer. V
Walter Otto Koenig20-Jun-2018 13:39
Very col, so well seen. Really like the colors and textures. "V"
Blandine Mangin20-Jun-2018 11:25
very nice compo ! v
Robert Tallent20-Jun-2018 08:37
I always like it when you can find art in something as otherwise mundane as a boat trailer. Well seen!
Graeme20-Jun-2018 08:03
A great find and nicely detailed, Frank.V!
SLC_Images20-Jun-2018 05:28
Interesting contrasts make for a nice compo...VT!