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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Galleries >> Smile > 'half' a baker's dozen
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Frank Brault

'half' a baker's dozen

Westbrook, Connecticut USA

Olympus PEN-F Digital ,Olympus M.ZUIKO ED 40-150mm f/2.8 PRO ,Best at original size
1/1250s f/7.1 at 110.0mm iso200 Raw/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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John Hamers11-Feb-2018 19:34
Wonderfull composition of this lovely line up of gulls V!
Fong Lam11-Feb-2018 15:13
Looks like they're lining up to pose for you...delightful capture...V
Robert Tallent11-Feb-2018 00:52
Great composition and wonderfully titled!
Walter Otto Koenig10-Feb-2018 21:25
Wonderful shot of them lined up like this. I like the lines of the building and the shadows of the bulbs. "V"
Buz Kiefer10-Feb-2018 20:28
Interesting how they are all lined up as if waiting for something or someone.
Looks like they have 180 degrees covered but the guy
watching their 6 is messing up. Vote.