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2017 Frank Brault

Ha'penny Bridge

Dublin, Ireland

"The Ha'penny Bridge (Irish: Droichead na Leathphingine, or Droichead na Life), known later for a time as the Penny Ha'penny Bridge, and officially the Liffey Bridge, is a pedestrian bridge built in May 1816 over the River Liffey in Dublin, Ireland.[2][4] Made of cast iron, the bridge was cast at Coalbrookdale in Shropshire, England
Originally called the Wellington Bridge (after the Dublin-born Duke of Wellington), the name of the bridge changed to Liffey Bridge. The Liffey Bridge (Irish: Droichead na Life)[1] remains the bridge's official name to this day, although it is most commonly referred to as the Ha'penny Bridge...Before the Ha'penny Bridge was built there were seven ferries, operated by a William Walsh, across the Liffey.[2] The ferries were in a bad condition and Walsh was informed that he had to either fix them or build a bridge. Walsh chose the latter option and was granted the right to extract a ha'penny toll from anyone crossing it for 100 years." Wikipedia

Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II ,Olympus M.ZUIKO ED 40-150mm f/2.8 PRO ,Best at Original size.
1/400s f/4.5 at 75.0mm iso200 Raw/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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bill friedlander27-Aug-2017 21:23
Its a lovely view. I like the graceful arc of the bridge. V
Walter Otto Koenig19-Aug-2017 16:35
Wonderful shot with this perspective and long focal length. Great detail and clarity. "V"
Robert Tallent19-Aug-2017 16:20
This is a superb composition with excellent use of depth of field and lovely colors
Jeff Real19-Aug-2017 13:35
What a gorgeous and memorable photograph
laine19-Aug-2017 07:04
A lovely bridge and history....can't help wonder if our dear friend Máire would have crossed it at some time.