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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Galleries >> Street, Urban, Pub, Mall, Water, Beach, Marinas > Weathered
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Frank Brault


Cape Cod, Chatham, Massachusetts

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bill friedlander16-Dec-2016 00:06
Perfectly framed, love the New England shingles. The white steps look great. V
Buz Kiefer15-Dec-2016 20:50
Very nicely composed photo with large and medium blocks of spaces and smaller geometric forms of the shake siding. Very nicely seen and captured. BV
laine15-Dec-2016 18:44
I like the natural silvering of have a good eye for finding the unusual, Frank. V
Jeff Real15-Dec-2016 18:09
The white looks so great ~V~
Walter Otto Koenig15-Dec-2016 15:26
Great framing and detail. My kind of photography! "V"