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21-Jan-2016 Frank Brault

Closing - Walmart Neighborhood Market

West Hartford, Connecticut USA

As you may know, Walmart is closing a number of their stores. "The Neighborhood Market in West Hartford was the only Connecticut location on the closing list. It opened in Bishops Corner in February 2013, becoming Wal-Mart's first Neighborhood Market in the Northeast." Hartford Courant

Depressing. At least, one of the check-out people told us that, Walmart has arranged for transfers to its other Connecticut stores for any of the employees who want them.

Apple iPhone 6 Plus ,Best at original size.
1/30s f/2.2 at 4.2mm iso32 PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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bill friedlander26-Jan-2016 00:24
Looks like a Russian store in the USSR era. Nice photo-journalistic shot. V
Buz Kiefer24-Jan-2016 19:23
Excellent B&W exposure by very sad and hard to believe. The empty shelves and the lack of shoppers tells a gloomy story. Vote.
laine23-Jan-2016 20:39
Gosh, it's usually the smaller family owned who are forced out by the big much for convenience, Frank.
I like the look of isolated darkness. V
Stephanie22-Jan-2016 19:03
Excellent journalistic image Frank! When Walmart closes stores, you know the economy is bad, bad, bad.... V
Walter Otto Koenig22-Jan-2016 15:56
Very good documentary image with the lone shopper, bare shelves and sparse sign. Nice perspective and tones. "V"