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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winter > Waiting for the blizzard. Color version below.
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25-Jan-2015 Frank Brault

Waiting for the blizzard. Color version below.

Canton, Connecticut USA

Winter Storm Juno/Colbie is expected to hit here about 7PM Monday night. Connecticut could get from 15 to 30 inches of snow.

Olympus OM-D EM-1 ,Best at original size.
1/80s f/3.5 at 12.0mm iso1250 RAW/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Regine L.26-Feb-2015 00:51
A striking image either way. The color version is quite a bit more upbeat than the foreboding B&W in my opinion. I like the concept of leaving it up to the spectator which version they would prefer.
Yiannis Pavlis12-Feb-2015 15:09
Wonderful comp and well presented in BW .( i prefer)
borisalex28-Jan-2015 07:38
Excellent IQ in your images, both work great for the story! V.
bill friedlander27-Jan-2015 22:11
I like3 the color one better but the B&W sure sets the mood. V
Buz Kiefer27-Jan-2015 18:33
Both are very good but I think I prefer the colored version. The snow and the colors of the machinery set against the deep blue sky of early evening is striking. Vote.
Marcia Rules26-Jan-2015 17:48
scary what these things face later today! Hunker down! V
Walter Otto Koenig26-Jan-2015 15:43
I like both versions Frank, but the b&w looks more ominous. Take care in the storm, it looks to be big one. "V"
laine26-Jan-2015 06:27
I hope it doesn't arrive, Frank, but if it does i hope you remain safe and warm !!