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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Cameras & Lenses >> Olympus 12mm f/2 > 2014 Cadillac ELR
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12-Mar-2014 Frank Brault

2014 Cadillac ELR

Boca Raton, Florida

Price, as equipped, $81,235
EPA 82 MPGe Charge Time 5 hours - Combined Highway; 41 KW hours per 100 miles
EPA 33 Gasoline Only - Combined Highway

Olympus OM-D EM-1 ,Olympus M. Zuiko Digital ED 12mm f2.0 ,Best at original size.
1/8s f/3.2 at 12.0mm iso200 RAW/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Tom LeRoy25-Apr-2014 07:37
Styling taken to a new height, wonder but how it is on the road. Cool shot, Frank. V
Walter Otto Koenig24-Apr-2014 22:51
The styling has improved somewhat from the past few years, and nice that it is so much more efficient. Very well photographed Frank. "V"
bill friedlander24-Apr-2014 21:26
Nice shot of a jazzy car! Looks like Cadillac is getting more adventuresome with its designs. V
Jean Chiasson24-Apr-2014 20:44
Splendid image and vivid colors Frank vote
Karen Stuebing24-Apr-2014 20:28
I'll take two. Seriously, it's a futuristic car and it looks like one. Great capture and setting for it. V.
J. Scott Coile24-Apr-2014 19:58
Someone at church just got one of these. I did not know it was electric until he got in Saturday morning and pulled off (silently).
Stephanie24-Apr-2014 18:17
Beautiful car! Did you buy it? ;) V