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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Saratoga Springs (and area) >> Saratoga Race Course & related photos > Evaluating the horses before the race.
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Frank Brault

Evaluating the horses before the race.

Saratoga Race Course, Saratoga Springs, NY USA

Olympus OM-D E-M5 ,Panasonic LUMIX G 20 mm / F1.7 ASPH. ,_Best at original size
1/125s f/16.0 at 20.0mm iso200 RAW/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Tom LeRoy23-Aug-2013 16:11
Checking out the course, really like the colorful jockey uniforms. V
Jean D22-Aug-2013 20:54
Excellent candid scene of viewer and participants. Fine detail throughout. ~V
marko gregoric22-Aug-2013 09:35
Very good shot. V
J. Scott Coile22-Aug-2013 00:04
The last one to poop ;-)
laine21-Aug-2013 23:49
The risky business...unless it comes from the horses mouth ;)
Walter Otto Koenig21-Aug-2013 15:22
Great composition with the man in the foreground. "V"
Stephanie21-Aug-2013 09:29
Nice to see the spectator in the foreground! This is a wonderfully composed and executed image Frank! V
Fong Lam21-Aug-2013 09:06
Great shot of those magnificent race the clarity and colors...V
fotabug20-Aug-2013 23:48
Spectator sport!