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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Galleries >> Eclectic >
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West Hartford, CT USA

When I see a Porsche my imagination puts me in it, driving fast into a corner. The bottle in the cup holder of this Boxster ruins that. :)

Olympus OM-D E-M5 ,Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 75mm F1.8 ,_Best at original size
1/160s f/5.0 at 75.0mm iso200 RAW/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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bill friedlander15-Aug-2013 17:40
The plastic bottle should be replaced with a platinum plated container (I was going to say flask, but thought better of it)! V
Jean D14-Aug-2013 01:01
WOW!A fine vehicle! I agree that the cup holder should disappear. ~V
Fong Lam13-Aug-2013 13:17
You get thirsty at fast speed in a convertible....superb capture of this desirable Porsche..V
Chris Spracklen12-Aug-2013 19:51
Ah, but at least the lid's on, Frank, so not spillage flying round that tight bend! ;o)
Tom LeRoy12-Aug-2013 17:32
I'd take this one with our without the bottle. Great details on the interior if the Porsche too! V
Walter Otto Koenig12-Aug-2013 15:02
Nice interior shot from this angle. Agree with you, Porsches should not have cup holders. "V"
Stephanie12-Aug-2013 10:40
Lovely capture of this expensive car! V
borisalex12-Aug-2013 07:23
Dangerous lives! Good vista! V.
John Lamb12-Aug-2013 02:11
Some people have plenty of cash...and no class.
Brenda11-Aug-2013 23:01
Especially since it's not Perrier! The Warning on the visor also puts a damper on things. LOL
J. Scott Coile11-Aug-2013 22:56