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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Ordinary things >> Copied Galleries - Mistake >> County Cork >
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30-Jul-2012 Frank Brault

Cork City, Ireland

This is a sculpture inside the front window of Ristorante Rossini, 33 Princes Street, Cork, Ireland. We find the food authentic Italian, delicious and reasonable in price.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Máire Uí Mhaicín12-Sep-2012 18:13
A great composition and as Laine said the grapes are an excellent feature here. The statues provide a monochromatic element that makes them stand in stark contrast to their colourful background.
Karen Stuebing09-Sep-2012 22:03
Superb capture of this graceful statue. I really like the street in the background and the grapes in the foreground. V.
laine09-Sep-2012 21:56
a lovely still...the grapes are a great inclusion, Frank