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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Cameras & Lenses >> Olympus Micro 9-18mm > From a parking gaage at the Mohegan Sun casino.
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Frank Brault

From a parking gaage at the Mohegan Sun casino.

Uncasville, CT USA

Olympus OM-D E-M5 ,OLYMPUS M.ZUIKO ED 9-18mm F4.0-5.6, Best at original size
1/400s f/11.0 at 18.0mm iso200 RAW/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Janet Donnelly23-Jun-2012 16:44
You have a special eye for striking graphic composition ... this is yet another remarkable image! ~V~
Walter Otto Koenig22-Jun-2012 14:49
Yes great graphics in this well composed image. You chose a great vantage point for this. "V"
bill friedlander22-Jun-2012 14:17
Amazing how you make the ordinary into a work of art. Love the graphics of this one. V