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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Cameras & Lenses >> Olympus 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 II R > #24 Abstract
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22-Mar-2012 Frank Brault

#24 Abstract

Olympus PEN E-PM1 ,OLYMPUS : M.ZUIKO 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 II R, Best at original size
1/80s f/5.6 at 41.0mm iso200 RAW/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jean D02-Feb-2013 03:20
Fantastic work, Frank. Excellent treatment and presentation. Was it possibly X rayed... ~V
bill friedlander25-Apr-2012 17:56
Wonderful processing to get this effect. You caught the vibrations after it hit the nail. V
Cindi Smith27-Mar-2012 17:04
Like it is radioactive....very cool work here!
Barbara Heide24-Mar-2012 21:44
glowing... because of intensive use?
Martha Albuquerque24-Mar-2012 18:04
Fantatic result here :) V
wernere0123-Mar-2012 23:51
This abstract looks real enough to hurt you.
Brenda23-Mar-2012 22:53
Very cool! V
Karen Stuebing23-Mar-2012 22:14
Great glow and take on the topic. An ordinary tool made extraordinary. v.
larose forest photos23-Mar-2012 20:51
Very cool!!! V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)23-Mar-2012 19:56
Awesome! VV
Walter Otto Koenig23-Mar-2012 16:47
Radioactive! Very cool effects on this. "V"
J. Scott Coile23-Mar-2012 14:08
Looks charged.
Guest 23-Mar-2012 13:26
Very well done. v
Stephanie23-Mar-2012 13:04
Nice!!! Love the pp work Frank! V
Ann...23-Mar-2012 11:23
Excellent processing, I'm sure it's moving!
Tom LeRoy23-Mar-2012 11:03
Outstanding close up and really unique processing. BV
Sheila23-Mar-2012 09:11
It suits the glow effect, makes it look like it is being used.
Janice Dunn23-Mar-2012 08:32
We have Stanley hammers here in NZ too.
Mieke WA Minkjan23-Mar-2012 08:23
great work Frank
laine23-Mar-2012 07:07
Electrifying Frank...!!
Yvonne23-Mar-2012 06:13
Looks like it would feel good to use....nicely weighted.
Laryl23-Mar-2012 05:23
interesting, not sure I understand the abstract connection choice but it's cool
Guest 23-Mar-2012 02:44
a 16 oz fiberglass nice.... you have inspired me
carol j. phipps23-Mar-2012 02:21
Crisp with great isolation of the subject.
Guest 23-Mar-2012 01:56
Fabulous capture and effect! Well done Frank ! V
Guest 23-Mar-2012 01:52
great effect
Janet Donnelly23-Mar-2012 01:40
Looks like some magic going on here ........ great effects!
LynnH23-Mar-2012 00:36
Yes, this is cool. Looks a bit like an Xray. How did you do this? V
Ed McConnell23-Mar-2012 00:27
sooo cool..great abstract, how did you do it..