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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Saratoga Springs (and area) >> Saratoga Race Course & related photos > Dancing in the rain.
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Frank Brault

Dancing in the rain.

Saratoga Springs, NY USA

There is a bit of a carnival atmosphere at Saratoga races. I love it.:)

Nikon Coolpix P7000 , Best at original size.
1/1250s f/4.0 at 14.5mm iso800, RAW full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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norbi11-Aug-2011 10:19
Great, how You caught his pose. v. norbi
Doug Cruden10-Aug-2011 18:45
LOL, he's giving it his all! Good composition Frank, you've filled the frame beautifully with colour and interest
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)10-Aug-2011 16:21
Beautifully composed,vote!