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Fernando Peres Rodrigues | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Eli Finkelstein02-Oct-2020 05:47
You have the most diverse set of travel destinations on this site, and stunning images to go with them. They inspire me to travel more!
Alireza Rasooli 01-Aug-2017 12:32
Dear Sir
Can we use one of your Iran pics for introducing Iran.
Thanks and regards
Alireza Rasooli
Long Bach Nguyen17-Dec-2015 23:22
My wife and I would like to share our Xmas card with you and your family. Have a lovely Christmas and prosperous New Year
anaisabel 11-Feb-2015 20:34
Ah Fernando, onde estão as fotografias das Filipinas, que ando há décadas a tentar ver?

Guest 24-Jan-2015 07:32
Awesome images, especially the macro photographs of insects!
Nina Ludwig01-Jun-2014 14:14
Wow you certainly did some serious travelling Fernando. I must come back and look at the places I haven't been yet through your images. Thanks!
hermankervel01-Mar-2014 09:08
nice collection
aloha 08-Dec-2013 09:08
wow you are so lucky. How do you pay for all these trips?
clickA SF22-Nov-2013 06:32
Great galleries , great photographer !!
Pawel Kazmierczyk03-Nov-2013 09:45
what an amazing collection. I admire your talent.
Teresa Chaves 12-Jul-2013 06:53
Não existe meio mais seguro para fugir do mundo do que a arte, e não há forma mais segura de se unir a ele do que a arte.
Johann Goethe
Obrigada pela generosidade que tem ao partilhar connosco o seu talento.
Guest 01-Jul-2013 12:41
Ricardo M. 23-Jun-2013 15:43
Parabéns gosto mesmo do seu estilo fotográfico, conheci as suas fotos no Hospital são Francisco Xavier, Muitos parabéns Ricardo M.
Guest 16-Mar-2013 16:13
nice to meet you Fernando the other day at Adraga. Such a fantastic collection of travel images! all the best James
samikosemi02-Feb-2013 16:36
You have a great pictures , some are amazing ... Keep going
Guest 08-Dec-2012 09:13
what a lucky man, you traveled around the world and doing such wonderful photos
gabriel 04-Sep-2012 05:27
best picture good luck
artist07-Aug-2012 07:18
Hi ... you are so creative .I like your works so much....I am an artist from Udaipur , India.i paint on canvas, paper etc .. I hope we can be good friends ....

what more can i say .. except keep-smiling ..
Pedro Libório15-Jul-2012 11:09
o teu espólio fotográfico é absolutamente impressionante e magnifico meu caro...permite viajar por esse mundo fora e sempre com uma qualidade maravilhosa!!! Um grande abraço.
Duy Dang 26-May-2012 16:18
When you travel, what lens do you carry with you? Also do you carry a tripod? Thanks.
Ruth 30-Apr-2012 15:10
Thank you for taking me on two beautiful trips in ONE day; I went with you Alaska and then to Firenze - FANTASTIC PHOTOS! You have really got the eye! The light!
Thankyou from Jerusalem
hermankervel26-Apr-2012 19:13
Very nice photowork
Terry J. Graham29-Mar-2012 15:23
Very nice images Fernando, I really enjoyed looking through your galleries. Thank you for visting my little corner of pBase.
Kumara prasanna 23-Mar-2012 15:57
awesome.. congratulations..
Guest 23-Mar-2012 15:56
really i enjoyed with your photo gallery. all photos are awesome.
Josh Cruz04-Feb-2012 09:57
I love your galleries! It vividly captures the scenery and people in places that I have visited myself, as well as in places I would like to visit. You do it like I have been there. You have not just the eye for a typical picture, but the admirable eye for culture! Thank you for sharing, keep shooting my friend!
Bill Taylor27-Jan-2012 16:38
Wonderful Galleries! You been to many places.
pedro serrano 10-Jan-2012 17:30
Caro Fernando, A propósito do Sri Lanka. Sabias que o Paul Bowles (um escritor de quem gosto muito) foi proprietário da ilha da Taprobana? O tipo comprou aquilo por tuta e meia e morou por lá uns tempos. Abraço pedro serrano
Guest 08-Nov-2011 16:07
PLS CAME I N Diu (DIU daman goa) - India

Guest 05-Nov-2011 02:28
Great captures,nice work.Voted
Gilbert Jottrand29-Oct-2011 10:52
thanks for visiting my gallery
same village certainly
same woman 20 years later ?? maybe but I'm not sure, look the nose & the mouth
best regards
Guest 09-Sep-2011 06:25
Fernando is there any place you have not been?
Your Galleries are incredible,super shots from all over. I really enjoyed looking at them
Mike Crowle07-Aug-2011 11:25
Many thanks for visiting my gallery and for your comment. I have much enjoyed viewing your galleries, especially as you are so well travelled!
Ronald Kamphuis29-Jul-2011 09:03
Thanks for visiting my gallery and leaving some words! You've done some travelling. Thanks for sharing!

Guest 20-Jul-2011 19:40
Fantastic gallery! Beautiful shots and beautiful places! Well done and thanks!
Geoff White30-Apr-2011 15:59
Hi Fernando,
You have been everywhere man!
Love your people shots...
Marco Jansen17-Apr-2011 15:49
Thanks for ur comment than i came upon ur gallery's and its so much and stunning.
I haven't travelled so much but it sure very inspiring.
Tami Kimble 22-Mar-2011 08:14
Wow, These are so, so beautiful and to think what man has already destroyed and lost is a pure tragedy. Thank You so very much for sharing these treasures with the rest of us as most of us will never get the chance to travel and enjoy these sites. "Blessings"
John Glines19-Mar-2011 11:49
Thanks for leaving such a nice compliment on my photo of "New York Living" (the martini in the foreground with the Empire State Building in the background). I enjoyed looking at your galleries and wish I had been to as many places as you've been. (BTW, the monks in Luang Prabang aren't collecting alms, they're collecting food.)
Chris Picard17-Feb-2011 00:00
Nice gallery Fernando. I was very interested in your wonderful Utah shots. I have been to many of the same places. The next time you are in Capital Reef NP, try to find Cathedrall Valley. You won't regret it.
basri_eli22-Jan-2011 15:26
Love your works. Very impressive. Well done
Massimo Piconcelli21-Jan-2011 17:23
Fantastic gallerys here, congrats !!!!! Ciao
Guest 10-Jan-2011 19:26
Guest 27-Dec-2010 12:25
You have one of the largest and most impressive travel galleries on PBase, an amazing collection and a joy to view!
Guest 24-Dec-2010 16:25
impressive gallery ,
Elisa Ribeiro 08-Dec-2010 18:03
Olá, o meu nome é Elisa Ribeiro, sou uma dos muitos trabalhadores que o Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental tem, e tive o privilégio de ver no Hospitl São Francisco Xavier, uma exposição com variadas fotos
Nuno Vasconcelos 24-Nov-2010 19:55
Amazing !!! Congratulations
Marc Demoulin03-Nov-2010 20:21
Fernando, Im really impressed by the quality and number of travel galleries you have here. You make us travel around the world from our seat. Keep up the good work!
Pedro Libório27-Oct-2010 22:41
1º to bee able to "SEE" in a special way !!!
2º perfect EXECUTION !!!
3º stunning places !!!
4º "feellings" !!!
that simply because of all of this that I love your work!!
thanks so much for sharing it with us!!!
Guest 31-Aug-2010 20:35
Fernando, it's been a real pleasure discovering your beautiful galleries. You have an excellent photographic eye and are amazingly well travelled - your galleries almost read like a wishlist of places I would love to visit! I'm particularly envious of your flight over the Namib desert, not to mention Tibet, Argentina, Madagascar... ;)
Keep up the good work!
Dan Greenberg15-Aug-2010 17:15
Your travel photography is a great inspiration both to travel and to take great images while doing so.
Guest 13-Aug-2010 14:36
Great travel galleries! Thank you so much for sharing!

Best Wishes,
chaolin06-Aug-2010 18:18
Hi Fernando,
Thanks for your kind comments.
I really enjoyed your amazing galleries. You are a world traveler and photographer. Many places on your gallery is on our list of visiting. I hope we can manage to get to them in the next a few years. I love your photo composition, lighting, and beautiful landscapes.
Hope to see more of your photos in the future.
Barbara 03-Jul-2010 04:04
Aloha Fernando,
We live in Hawaii and Chiang Mai and travel around and have really enjoyed your photos and perspective of places we have seen and not seen. I love your captions of each photo and the photos of the Monastery in Tibet are truly amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your work.
Travel Safe always,
Barbara & Ronaldo
Egidia Freitas 08-May-2010 21:38
Escolher uma fotografia no meio de tanta beleza é meritório de um estudo aprofundado....Simplesmente espectacular!A partilha de tanta beleza real,é uma forma de tantas pessoas poderem viajar e SONHAR!
Guest 27-Apr-2010 09:22
Great pics you have. I'd enjoyed every piece of them.

Thank you for sharing.

BLISSON Sophie 05-Jan-2010 17:20
je retrouve mon cousin avec toute sa sensibilité. C'est grâce à philippe COSTA que j'ai connu ton site.
Merci de me faire voyager, tes photos parlent d'elles même et me rappellent le photographe que j'ai toujours connu.J'en profite pour te souhaiter une excellente année 2010 et de continuer tes voyages au bout du monde.
Bises Sophie
Guest 20-Aug-2009 17:15
Coo fã incondicional sinto-me impulsionada a perguntar:
E fotos da Australia??
E fotos de yellowstone??
E fotos da Birmania??
Ana Claudia Giga
Bill 07-Jul-2009 17:05
Hi Fernando, I still waiting for the Galapagos pictures... :)

Have a nice day
Bill & JoAnn, in Milano
Cristina Moisão 22-Jun-2009 07:53
Já sabes que sou tua fã incondicional. Adoro as tuas imagens; e ainda só vi algumas. Obrigada por partilhares o que o teu olho e o da tua câmara captam com estes simples que apreciam o teu trabalho. Continua sempre!
Muitos beijões
Michael05-Jun-2009 15:21
I am so jealous of you my friend! :-) You have seen so much of our wonderful world! The great thing is that you have captured it so wonderfully for the rest of us. Thank you!
Luis Filipe China de Morais 23-Apr-2009 10:40
Peres Rodrigues
Um abraço do Luis China . Fomos colegas no Colégio Oliveira Martins , na Amadora , há já quarenta anos !! Gostava de te dar um abraço . Aguardo o teu contacto , se for possível .
Guest 22-Apr-2009 23:06
Amazing galleries and fantastic photos
Kind regards from Poland
Arjayphotography25-Mar-2009 22:23
Your galleries are absolutely amazing, and the places you've visited show your and interesting person with style! I very much enjoyed looking at your images and the places you've traveled. Thanks for sharing your images on Pbase!!!
J Ponces24-Mar-2009 19:10
Caro Fernando, Gostei muito de te ver por aqui.
Ha ja muito tempo que nao via fotos tuas.
Grande Abraco
Guest 14-Mar-2009 16:48
Hello Fernando! Welcome to Pbase. You have some very interesting galleries. I especially enjoyed looking at the India one. Thank you for posting your pictures. Yes, I will be back to look some more. Aloha from Hawaii! Chuck
Pawel Kazmierczyk03-Feb-2009 18:11
Hola Don Fernando, what a fantastic collection of galleries.... You have a great eye for photography, and a unique sense of style. I have truly enjoyed going through your photos - the range and variety of topics, the originality of viewpoint, and the quality. Well done, keep it up ! Greetings from Poland. Pawel