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Carl and Racine Erland | all galleries >> Birds: Multiple Galleries >> Waterfowl Gallery: Multiple Galleries >> Coots > The End of the Tale
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Racine Erland

The End of the Tale

Southern Vancouver Island

When we stopped by the lake we noticed a number of American Coots diving for food and I thought, "wow, what a great opportunity." The sun was out, the water was smooth, so I set-up my camera with a fast speed and on multiple shots to capture the action. There were about 7 coots and I was sure this was my chance to finally catch one of these birds while diving. I'm sure anyone who has attempted photographing diving ducks realizes this can be not only challenging, but ultimately an extremely frustrating experience. After more shots than I'm willing to admit to, and much time sorting through them, this is the 'best of the best' ......not exactly what I was hoping for, but appropriate for the end of my tale.

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Max 17-Jan-2012 06:34
Nice shot!
Carla Resh04-Jan-2012 03:12
Great the bouncing water droplet on the left...BV :0)
Inga Morozoff04-Jan-2012 02:03
I love it. It's very ... watery. :-)
Cowichan Valley Camera Club04-Jan-2012 01:24
Well seen and unique capture. Wonderful detail of water displacement, ripples and Tail and reflection.V
R Penney
Guest 04-Jan-2012 00:20
Beautifully captured. V.