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11-OCT-2010 Racine Erland


Southern Vancouver Island

A distinctively North American duck species, wood ducks inhabit areas from southern Canada to the eastern, southern and western coasts of the United States – in swamps, creeks, river valleys, streams, lakes and forest bottomlands.

Although the male wood ducks are considered the more attractive gender with colourful bright patterns and striking breeding plumage, the female wood duck is smaller and less colourful, but also decidedly beautiful, distinguishable by her lightly tinted throat and her tear-drop shaped white ring around the eye.

Wood ducks are the only North American duck that regularly produces two broods each year. Their clutch numbers anywhere from 6-15 eggs, but - sadly - only half will reach maturity. ~ All About Birds

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lou_rozensteins14-Oct-2010 22:24
Nice shot. It is my observation of ducklings, that half at least are born to be food for something else. The attrition rate here is usually more than half ....!
laine14-Oct-2010 22:14
They are lovely...great eye detail!
Guest 14-Oct-2010 15:25
Excellent work. V.