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Carl and Racine Erland | all galleries >> Plants - Multiple Galleries >> SUMMER PLANTS: June, July, August > St John's Wort
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01-JUL-2010 Racine Erland

St John's Wort

Southern Vancouver Island

St John's Wort is a popular plant used for ground cover in flower beds and on hillsides. I've always
been attracted to its rich yellow tones and abundance of delicate stamens. St John's Wort facts: St.
John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) is a long-living plant with yellow flowers whose medicinal uses were
first recorded in ancient Greece. St. John's wort has been used over the centuries for mental
conditions, nerve pain, and a wide variety of other health conditions. Information on its use and
effectiveness can be found on alternative medicine websites. ~ National Centre of Alternative and
Complimentary Medicine

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René Gysi02-Jul-2010 07:42
Incredibly beautiful macro. The dark yellow contrasts well with the dark background. V
larose forest photos02-Jul-2010 04:09
A gorgeous capture of this beautiful flower. There are many native Hypericum plants too, but none have the medicinal properties. Interestingly, a biocontrol agent (a beetle) was introduced into NA in the 1940's to control this plant which is toxic to cattle. Both good and bad, and beautiful to boot! VOTE
lou_rozensteins02-Jul-2010 02:33
The details are superb. I never knew what this looked like .... this shot is very descriptive!
laine01-Jul-2010 23:12
I grow a shrub of's lovely, Racine.
J. Scott Coile01-Jul-2010 20:48
Hypericum is always such an explosive bloom in macro view!
Jean-Claude Liehn01-Jul-2010 18:10
The perfect sharpness and light make it a beautiful picture.
Ann...01-Jul-2010 18:05
Very beautiful, with the look of dozens of tiny pins sticking out.
Is this the same flower that I would know as Rose Of Sharon I wonder?