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Carl and Racine Erland | all galleries >> Plants - Multiple Galleries >> SPRING PLANTS: March, April, May > Pink Dogwood
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17-MAY-2009 Racine Erland

Pink Dogwood

Vancouver Island, BC

Pink Dogwood trees are a favourite of ours and are prominent among the plantings on Vancouver
Island. The blossoms seem to vary from white with edgings and veins of a delicate pink to a bloom
that is almost all pink. The tree is a variety of the flowering Dogwood and according to botanists
the first recorded sighting was in 1731.

other sizes: small medium original auto
slhoornstra04-Apr-2010 21:38
Sheer perfection. V
Heidi 20-May-2009 04:07
GREAT shot, Aunt Racine and I'm completely enamored with the swans and their lil' brood
DeMorcan19-May-2009 02:17
Very nice mix of colors making for a beautiful image