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Enrico Martinuzzi | profile | all galleries >> Contrasts, Appearances and Equilibriums >> Equilibri tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Un punto di origine da cui partono due semirette che si estendono all’infinito ...
Un cerchio, dove l’inizio e` la fine...
Un perfetto equilibrio che e`, come gia` detto, anche il perfetto contrasto.

An originating point for two straight lines going to the infinite… And at the infinite the lines are joining together forming a circle.
A circle where the beginning is also the end…
The perfect equilibrium that is, the perfect contrast too.

Men & Women
Men & Women
Wagon light's progression
Wagon light's progression
Play it again, Sam...
Play it again, Sam...
The Little Fisherman
The Little Fisherman
Is There Anybody Out There?
Is There Anybody Out There?
The Beach
The Beach
Swindon I
Swindon I
Bolt shadow in Blue
Bolt shadow in Blue
Mushroom's Curl
Mushroom's Curl
Hanging down from the ceiling
Hanging down from the ceiling