It's amazing how you can find structures in Julia sets that look like structures from Mandelbrot sets.
The reverse is also true. There are structures hidden in the Mandelbrot set that look very much like Julia sets.
This image is taken from one of the "Baby Mandelbrots" on the real axis of the Mandelbrot set. It is a zoom into the "dragon" side of seahorse valley (on the main circular disk.) I zoomed in quite close to another baby Mandelbrot in the base of a dragon. There are thin tendrils around all the structures from a baby mandelbrot on the real axis. This Julia set looking plot is a closeup of a small spot on one of those tendrils.
The plot is centered on -1.6285474757381330, 0.0005260504563778, at a width of about 3.56E-10
(This image has been rotated, down-sampled, and sharpened slightly)
It looks a LOT like the previous Julia set (see
If you have FractalWorks 0.4.0 or later, you can reproduce this plot by clicking here.