This is a screenshot from FractalWorks showing a Mandelbrot plot and a series of Julia plots, all using the same Julia starting point.
The upper left image is the Mandelbrot plot. It is from "seahorse valley" (the area outside the main body of the Mandelbrot set, between the cardioid and the main disk, on the cardioid side. It's called that because the shapes in this area resemble seahorses. See this image for a typical seahorse:
I zoomed in on a "baby Mandelbrot" from the "tail of a seahorse". (a baby Mandelbrot image like the one at ) I then zoomed in on a "dragon" image in that baby Mandelelbrot ("dragons" are from the same seahorse valley, but on the circular disk side.) The Mandelbrot zoom is to a width of about 0.000000028 (2.8E-9) It's centered on about -0.7421762845205260, 0.1437919360496590i
I have marked the point on the Mandelbrot plot that's used to create the sequence of Julias. It's the circled black X on the image "untitled". The starting point for the Julia sets is -0.7421762895880877, 0.1437919442275985i.
The image "Untitled 2" shows the whole Julia set. It shows the shape of Julias from seahorse valley. Note how the Julia set has seahorse tails.
Each subsequent Julia is at higher magnification The second Julia plot, "Untitled 2," shows the shape of the local area of the Mandelbrot set plot. The third Julia zooms in on the center of the plot, and shows the inner structure, which resembles the "dragon" shape shown on the Mandelbrot plot. The 4th and 5th plots zoom in on the center of that plot, and show the spiral pattern from the Julia source point.