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To contact me about any of the mages you see here, go to my profile page and either send me a message or sign into my guestbook.
Lake Erie Birdng Trail, OH
:: Lake Erie Birdng Trail, OH ::
:: Alaska ::
Happy Holidays
:: Happy Holidays ::
Maine Blueberry Fields
:: Maine Blueberry Fields ::
Acadia National Park, ME
:: Acadia National Park, ME ::
Coastal Maine
:: Coastal Maine ::
Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada
:: Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada ::
New Brunswick, Canada
:: New Brunswick, Canada ::
Paria Plateau
:: Paria Plateau ::
Southwestern United States
:: Southwestern United States ::
Rock Art and Ruins
:: Rock Art and Ruins ::
Sedona, Arizona
:: Sedona, Arizona ::
Desert Wildflowers and Cacti
:: Desert Wildflowers and Cacti ::
American Rocky Mountains
:: American Rocky Mountains ::
Pacific Northwest
:: Pacific Northwest ::
:: Prairies ::
 New England
::  New England  ::
:: California ::
:: Orchids ::
:: Midwest ::
:: Geology ::
Cactus Blooms
:: Cactus Blooms ::
Somme Prairie Grove, Cook County, IL
:: Somme Prairie Grove, Cook County, IL ::
Texas Wildflowers
:: Texas Wildflowers ::
Monument Valley Area
:: Monument Valley Area ::
Grand Canyon
:: Grand Canyon ::
:: Americana ::
Published Images, Books and DVDs.
:: Published Images, Books and DVDs. ::
Beauty in Rocks and Minerals
:: Beauty in Rocks and Minerals ::
Death Valley National Park
:: Death Valley National Park ::
Bodie, CA
:: Bodie, CA ::
Sand Verbena, Evening Primrose, and  Desert Gold Sunflowers in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, CA
:: Sand Verbena, Evening Primrose, and Desert Gold Sunflowers in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, CA ::
Bryce Canyon
:: Bryce Canyon ::
White Pocket
:: White Pocket ::
The Ridges Sanctuary
:: The Ridges Sanctuary ::
Slot Canyons
:: Slot Canyons ::
Canadian National Parks in the Rocky Mountains of Aberta and British Columbia
:: Canadian National Parks in the Rocky Mountains of Aberta and British Columbia ::
Tory Sherman gallery
:: Tory Sherman gallery ::
:: Hawaii ::
:: Panoramas ::
Flights of Fancy with Ted
:: Flights of Fancy with Ted ::
Helicopter Tour of Kauai
:: Helicopter Tour of Kauai ::
Arizona Images
:: Arizona Images ::
Valley of Fire
:: Valley of Fire ::
Second Annual, Monument Valley Balloon Festival, February, 2012, AZ/UT
:: Second Annual, Monument Valley Balloon Festival, February, 2012, AZ/UT ::
The Chinle Formation
:: The Chinle Formation ::
Zion National Park
:: Zion National Park ::
Kansas Prairies
:: Kansas Prairies ::
:: Clouds ::
Guy and Doug's Excellent Adventure
:: Guy and Doug's Excellent Adventure ::
Canyon De Chelly National Monument
:: Canyon De Chelly National Monument ::
The Canyons of Moenkopi Wash, AZ
:: The Canyons of Moenkopi Wash, AZ ::
Mt. Rainier National Park, WA
:: Mt. Rainier National Park, WA ::
Michigan's Upper Peninsula
:: Michigan's Upper Peninsula ::
Butterflies and other insects
:: Butterflies and other insects ::
Door County, WI
:: Door County, WI ::
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
:: Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore ::
Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, WI
:: Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, WI ::
Capitol Reef National Park
:: Capitol Reef National Park ::
New Mexico
:: New Mexico ::
McGraw-Hill Images
:: McGraw-Hill Images ::
2015 Masters Golf Tournament, Augusta National Golf Club, Augusta, GA
:: 2015 Masters Golf Tournament, Augusta National Golf Club, Augusta, GA ::
Buffalo Grove Prairie
:: Buffalo Grove Prairie ::
:: Bearazona ::
Flagstaff Area
:: Flagstaff Area ::
Birds of Southern Arizona
:: Birds of Southern Arizona ::
:: Owls ::
Game Birds
:: Game Birds ::
Oregon Coast Aquarium
:: Oregon Coast Aquarium ::
Everglades National Park, Florida
:: Everglades National Park, Florida ::
Bosque del Apache
:: Bosque del Apache ::
:: Hummingbirds ::
Bird Portraits
:: Bird Portraits ::
Whitewater Draw
:: Whitewater Draw ::
:: Waterfowl ::
Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch, Gilbert, AZ
:: Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch, Gilbert, AZ ::
Florida Birds
:: Florida Birds ::
Birds of  Northern Arizona, AZ
:: Birds of Northern Arizona, AZ ::
Arizona's Raptor Experience
:: Arizona's Raptor Experience ::
Dead Horse Ranch State Park, Cottonwood, AZ
:: Dead Horse Ranch State Park, Cottonwood, AZ ::
Wood Ducks
:: Wood Ducks ::
Joshua Tree National Park, CA
:: Joshua Tree National Park, CA ::
Watson Lake, Arizona
:: Watson Lake, Arizona ::
Coal Mine Canyon
:: Coal Mine Canyon ::
Hubbell Trading Post
:: Hubbell Trading Post ::
Grand Teton National Park, WY
:: Grand Teton National Park, WY ::
Arches National Park, UT
:: Arches National Park, UT ::
Crater Lake, Oregon
:: Crater Lake, Oregon ::
:: Warblers ::
Yellowstone National Park, WY
:: Yellowstone National Park, WY ::
Carrizo Plain National Monument, CA
:: Carrizo Plain National Monument, CA ::
Torrey Pines State Nature Preserve, San Diego, CA
:: Torrey Pines State Nature Preserve, San Diego, CA ::
Prince Edward Island
:: Prince Edward Island ::
Nova Scotia
:: Nova Scotia ::
Ward Terrace and Adeil Eichii Cliffs
:: Ward Terrace and Adeil Eichii Cliffs ::
Glacier National Park, MT
:: Glacier National Park, MT ::
Sycamore Canyon Area Near Clarkdale, AZ
:: Sycamore Canyon Area Near Clarkdale, AZ ::
 Canyonlands National Park, UT
::  Canyonlands National Park, UT ::
Palouse Hills, WA
:: Palouse Hills, WA ::
Native American and Inuit Art
:: Native American and Inuit Art ::
Brown County State Park, Indiana
:: Brown County State Park, Indiana ::
California Birds
:: California Birds ::
The Pond at Elephant Head
:: The Pond at Elephant Head ::
Lake Pleasant Regional Park, AZ
:: Lake Pleasant Regional Park, AZ ::
Petrified Forest National Park, AZ
:: Petrified Forest National Park, AZ ::
:: Pottery ::
Aerial Views of Earth
:: Aerial Views of Earth ::
Picacho Peak State Park, AZ
:: Picacho Peak State Park, AZ ::
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, AZ
:: Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, AZ ::
San Carlos Apache Reservation, AZ
:: San Carlos Apache Reservation, AZ ::
2024 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show
:: 2024 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show ::
Prairie Image Bank
:: Prairie Image Bank ::
Woodland Image Bank
:: Woodland Image Bank ::
Wetlands Image Bank
:: Wetlands Image Bank ::
Savanna Image Bank
:: Savanna Image Bank ::
Animals of Chicago Wilderness
:: Animals of Chicago Wilderness ::