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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Non-public backup directories and photos - don't DELETE - you will lose the good photos and directories too! >> Old Advertisements 12/18/07 >> TEMP - DELETE when you figure it out right >> Old National and Miami Area ADVERTISEMENTS - All Years - click on image to view >> Old LOCAL Advertisements in the MIAMI area > 1952 - Frederich's World's Finest Food Store
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NOV-1952 Courtesy of Cecil Curry

1952 - Frederich's World's Finest Food Store

Miami, Florida

Thank you to Cecil Curry for sending the 30th Anniversary Thanksgiving Game football program in which the above advertisement appeared.

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Virginia Greene 11-Jun-2018 22:03
Our first home was in Norwood and I shopped at Frederich's food store. We bought it as a VA resale in 1963. I was pregnant with our third child and our landlord said it was time to invest our money in a house. My husband and I raised our three children there and finally sold it to a friend's son in 1994 and bought a home in Port St. Lucie, Florida where our youngest son and his family were living. Miami was a great place to live back in the 50's. I went to school at Edison, from elementary to graduating from Edison Senior High. Went to college after having three children and earned a nursing degree. My husband and I are retired and will live our lives out in south Florida. Once a Floridian always a Floridian and the older I get the more I appreciate living in south Florida.