Thank you Don Slesnick for your nice comments. You were Mayor of Coral Gables from 2001 to 2011. Yes, that was quite a jaunt from Grapeland Heights to the Beach way back when.
Don .
Don Slesnick
02-Oct-2013 02:09
What a great site! I was a WFUN "teen reporter" for Miami High. I would have to go to meetings at the station's offices on Lincoln Road. Quite a trip in 1960 from Grapeland Heights to Miami Beach. Don Slesnick
21-Sep-2009 19:48
I remember a morning when we all arived at school and found what seemed like hundreds of plastic pill bottles scattered like easter eggs around the school. Inside was some sort of promotion/contest for WFUN and the gimick was something like "Dr FUN" and they were psuedo Rxs! That was back when it was OK to have kids play with pretend pill bottles......imagine such a stunt now !?!?!?