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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Non-public backup directories and photos - don't DELETE - you will lose the good photos and directories too! >> Old Advertisements 12/18/07 >> TEMP - DELETE when you figure it out right >> Old National and Miami Area ADVERTISEMENTS - All Years - click on image to view >> Old LOCAL Advertisements in the MIAMI area > 1965 - ad for Holloman's Restaurant where "eating out is always a pleasure"
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31-DEC-1965 The Voice

1965 - ad for Holloman's Restaurant where "eating out is always a pleasure"

NW 79th Street and 7th Avenue, Miami, Florida

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Theodore Mack 26-Apr-2018 12:20
My dad's favorite place to take us out to eat besides the Chesapeake
mike 29-Jul-2014 02:03
where i learned to love keylime pie