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2-MAY-1962 Miami News Archives

1962 - Frances Wodzinski, bride-to-be, with Home Milk delivery man Dick Davis

Miami, Florida

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Randy 17-Mar-2012 06:50
I remember the real early morning delivery of milk in the galvanized metal box on the porch. We had glass bottles all the way into the 60s sometime when they switched to cartons.
Jeff 10-Sep-2011 03:00
Look at that truck!! How awesome!!
Mary Anne C 13-Mar-2011 04:20
Y'all, I still have a "Handi-Holder" for the half-gallon size Home Milk cartons my mom used to buy at the Margaret-Ann store on E. 9th Ave. and 25th St in Hialeah (which turned into a Kwik-Chek, then Winn Dixie). It must be 55 years old...I use it to hold OJ cartons now!