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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Non-public backup directories and photos - don't DELETE - you will lose the good photos and directories too! >> Old Advertisements 12/18/07 >> TEMP - DELETE when you figure it out right >> Old National and Miami Area ADVERTISEMENTS - All Years - click on image to view >> Old LOCAL Advertisements in the MIAMI area > 1948 - closeup of an ad for a new Royal Castle at 1032 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami
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9-JAN-1948 Miami News Archives

1948 - closeup of an ad for a new Royal Castle at 1032 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami

1032 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, Florida

The ad also mentions the new Royal Castle building at 1040 Biscayne Boulevard next door to the restaurant. Please click on "original" below to see this image at the largest size.

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