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1950's Courtesy of George Young

1950's - George Young's rare record "Baby Let Me Bang Your Box" by Doug Clark & The Nuts

Miami, Florida

Thank you to George Young for contributing this great old classic with a dubious title.

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Jeff 07-May-2009 22:22
This is not the rare copy... it's a reissue (Virgo was a reissue label of Roulette Records)!

The original was released on Jubilee Records. Note the small "Jubilee" in parenthesis on the right side of the center hole...

The full title of this song is: (I Love Your Piano) Baby Let Me Bang Your Box... it was one of the many double-entendre R&B songs of the 1940's and 1950's period of music.

The group's full name is Doug Clark and the Hot Nuts... the label copy here was wrong... I believe they got their start as a frat-band!