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Derrel | all galleries >> Galleries >> Recent TPF Uploads > D3X_67036T on 100-300 at 5.6 200th Hand Held-CROP.jpg
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18-MAY-2014 photo by Derrel

D3X_67036T on 100-300 at 5.6 200th Hand Held-CROP.jpg
Here is the third of my four very-first-ever test frames using the Nikon 6-T reverse-mounted on the front of the old, Nikon 100-300mm f/5.6 Ai-S manual focus lens. Shot outdoors on my patio, hand-held with the lens wide-open, at f/5.6 at 1/200 second. There's not much depth of field, so I leaned forward and backwards and when I saw the weird little "lines" on the side of the paint brush bristles, I fired. This brush is 1/2 almost to the millimeter, one full inch across the widest spot at the tips of the bristles. I got the idea from this lens review: Zoom Lenses For Nikon 'F' Mount: Telephoto

"The real surprise of the 100-300, however, comes when you put a close-up lens onto its front threads. I employed my standard Nikon 6T (reverse-mounted) and was absolutely floored by the high quality close-ups produced by this combination. High image sharpness and contrast, perfectly flat field, and virtually no CA are features you associate with an expensive Micro-Nikkor, not a makeshift combination of a achromatic attachment and a consumer zoom lens. Food for some real thoughts."

Nikon D3X ,100-300mm f/5.6 Ai-S + 6T reversed
1/200s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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