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Soul & Spirit

# 30 # 30 g1/64/603464/3/127903571.3zrfLbxy.jpg # 30
Trust! g1/64/603464/3/109689805.4GTsaJVT.jpg Risen Indeed! Labor of Love
Adoration of the Christ Child. Adoration of the Christ Child. Joseph and Infant Christ Set 4 # 5
g1/64/603464/3/128090776.0kYTmpmW.jpg Reluctant Setting Sun. g1/64/603464/3/130614576.aL3lM3CU.jpg Faithing it, Crossing this Bridge!
Come to Me Milton, Kentucky Sunrise. Creeping Fall. g4/64/603464/3/63930087.AQDMz9eE.jpg
Art for Peace this season. g10/64/603464/3/131952735.cB1HINy0.jpg Love You More. Beginnings!
Sanctuary. g1/64/603464/3/127039836.hi2h2f41.jpg Set 5 # 1 A Mating Song!
Laughter is Good Like Medicine. g1/64/603464/3/127476068.FF4dg4wa.jpg g1/64/603464/3/132423751.XBoy2TNd.jpg g1/64/603464/3/111935121.5UpBJocc.jpg
Sunshine! Hallelujah! Happy Resurrection Day! Enchanted Evening. g1/64/603464/3/116215028.PXQI7hMM.jpg
Crying in the Chapel. Health for the New Year! g1/64/603464/3/130777363.wfmLs9ki.jpg Written.
g1/64/603464/3/128254629.FeJJqtn4.jpg Christmas Past. g1/64/603464/3/127373310.oHeuP7QK.jpg Symbols of Authority.
The Chair. Heavy Snow! Chrismon ~ Pax! (Peace) Star of Christmas!
T is  for Tree! Lanthier Winery Gardens. Sunny Day in Madison! Memories.
Looking Up! Maryland Rest-stop. g5/64/603464/3/103788038.KsMWyRX7.jpg The Cathedral, by Rodin.
Meditation. Meditation. Happy Easter!