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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Sampling / My Art > 9/11- Remembering
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2001 Carol J Phipps

9/11- Remembering

REMEMBERING 9/11 with some thoughts and art work first created in 2001.

'Wishing For A Firefly' —Carol J. Phipps
No amount of wishing could erase the fiery truth.
One September Eleventh
Hopes Walked Sleepless
Shock and Anger Labored
‘Selfish-lessly,’ side by side;
One Nation Under God
Wrangled reverent!
Working ‘tired-lessly;’
Hoping, for a sign,
Some sign of life
In wreckage two towers deep.

Collage Medium: Torn paper Collage

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dennis Hoyne13-Sep-2021 03:04
A strong piece of artwork and a touching remembrance.
Julie Oldfield12-Sep-2021 17:25
Very powerful image and message. V
Liz Bickel12-Sep-2021 07:20
Powerful. Thank you for sharing this.
Gill Kopy12-Sep-2021 03:28
An interesting tribute - chaos and anger is what I see. ! My thoughts have been with all those affected today.
larose forest photos12-Sep-2021 01:31
A apt memory and tribute to a devastating event.
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