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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Beatles' Song Titles > "Her Majesty"
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"Her Majesty"

The Free Encyclopedia says, "Her Majesty," is a song written by Paul McCartney
(although credited to Lennon/McCartney) that appears on The Beatles' album "Abbey Road."
"Her Majesty" is the final track of the album and appears fourteen seconds after the song, "The End",
but was not listed on the original sleeve. As such, it is considered one of the
first examples of a hidden track in rock music

Kodak Z650
1/8s f/2.8 at 6.3mm iso160 full exif

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Jola Dziubinska31-Jul-2010 00:07
Very beautiful.
norbi27-Jul-2010 07:19
A real majesty. v. norbi
Laryl26-Jul-2010 17:50
very pretty
Cindi Smith25-Jul-2010 22:08
A beautiful image. Love this!
Walter Otto Koenig25-Jul-2010 22:03
Glorious colors!
Marielou Dhumez25-Jul-2010 19:28
Very nice !
Rosemarie Kusserow25-Jul-2010 15:38
Beautiful picture Carol, this blossom indeed show the majesty of nature and the majesty of our Lord which created it! V
Rosemarie :o)
Guest 25-Jul-2010 12:53
Yes, it looks like the Royal Crown!!! Well seen Carol!!
Ilana gil25-Jul-2010 11:33
Wonderful for the song!
Mieke WA Minkjan25-Jul-2010 08:02
beautiful crown, perfect for the song title
borisalex25-Jul-2010 06:58
Great for that song and really like a crown!
larose forest photos25-Jul-2010 03:37
Gorgeous!!! V
Knox O25-Jul-2010 03:26
Didnt know about this song, thanks for sharing this info
LynnH25-Jul-2010 01:58
A very beautiful flower befitting of Her Majesty!! I like the moody tones!
Stephanie25-Jul-2010 01:21
Her majesty is beautiful! Love the color of summer! :-)
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