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Mieke WA Minkjan | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Welcome to my photo galleries. With my photo galleries I want to express the different kinds of my broad interest in the world surrounding me.
Photo a day gallery
:: Photo a day gallery ::
:: Minimalism ::
Nature Abstracts/Sculptured by Nature
:: Nature Abstracts/Sculptured by Nature ::
Photos made by Ans
:: Photos made by Ans  ::
An Australian Journey
:: An Australian Journey ::
Still life photography
:: Still life photography ::
Cities along the Silk Road: Khiva
:: Cities along the Silk Road: Khiva ::
Cities along the Silk Road: Bukhara
:: Cities along the Silk Road: Bukhara ::
Cities along the Silk Road in Central Asia, 2013 Ferghana Valley
:: Cities along the Silk Road in Central Asia, 2013 Ferghana Valley ::
Cities along the Silk Road: Samarkand
:: Cities along the Silk Road: Samarkand ::
Amsterdam 2012
:: Amsterdam 2012 ::
Lotus flowers
:: Lotus flowers ::
:: Melburnians ::
Impressions of Queensland
:: Impressions of Queensland ::
The simple beauty of a backyard in Melbourne
:: The simple beauty of a backyard in Melbourne ::
Australian Bush
:: Australian Bush ::
40 Pictures of feeling sad
:: 40 Pictures of feeling sad ::
:: Three ::
The red centre of Australia
:: The red centre of Australia ::
Summer Breeze
:: Summer Breeze ::
 A summer in Melbourne
::  A summer in Melbourne ::
::  Challenges ::
Melbourne Buskers
:: Melbourne Buskers ::
:: People ::
Flinders Ranges
:: Flinders Ranges ::
Urban Landscape Photography
:: Urban Landscape Photography ::
Wilsons Promontory
:: Wilsons Promontory ::
Port of Melbourne
:: Port of Melbourne ::
Europe 2008
:: Europe 2008 ::
The Glass House Mountains
:: The Glass House Mountains ::
A journey North
:: A journey North ::
Rainbow Beach
:: Rainbow Beach ::
Landscapes in Victoria, Au
:: Landscapes in Victoria, Au ::
My Australian Pictures of art
:: My Australian Pictures of art ::
Street Art
:: Street Art ::
Mornington Peninsula
:: Mornington Peninsula ::
Great Ocean Road
:: Great Ocean Road ::
Australian Landscapes
:: Australian Landscapes ::
:: Melbourne ::
Melbourne’s architectural points of interest
:: Melbourne’s architectural points of interest ::
Flowers of Australia
:: Flowers of Australia ::
My Roses
:: My Roses ::
:: Echuca ::
:: Tasmania ::
Bethania Lutheran Cemetery
:: Bethania Lutheran Cemetery ::
Samarkand, Tashkent and Ferghana, cities along the Silk Road
:: Samarkand, Tashkent and Ferghana, cities along the Silk Road ::
    Women of Central Asia
::  Women of Central Asia ::
:: Berlin ::
A small town in Germany
:: A small town in Germany ::
Landscapes of Twenthe
:: Landscapes of Twenthe ::
:: Florence ::
:: Almelo ::
my tulips
:: my tulips ::
My sunsets and sunrises
:: My sunsets and sunrises ::
Pictures from the sky
:: Pictures from the sky ::
Shoe Box Pictures
:: Shoe Box Pictures ::
:: Greece ::
:: Knicks-Knacks ::
 In Box
::  In Box ::