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Cecilia A | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Cecilia A
Name Cecilia A (joined 23-Jul-2003) (pbase supporter)
Username ceicli
Location Sweden
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View Galleries : Cecilia A has 14 galleries and 743 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 134020 times.

View Guestbook : 2 messages. Most recent on 14-Jun-2008.

Message from Cecilia A
I've been intrested in photografy since the age of nine.
During the 30 years I've used a variation of cameras, but right now I only have my mobile phone and an analog Minolta that I dont know how to use (yet).
I do wish to get a dlsr as soon as possible, the limitations of the phone makes me enoyed. =(

I'm trigger happy (trail and error) so for every good photo there are a lot of bad once. *lol*
I have many intrests in photo but something that always capture me are shapes, contrasts, shadows, water (and some more). Vehicles, children, nature and animals are other things I like.
So I balance between my wish to portrait the object as it is and a wish to find the best angle, the best contrasts. Sometimes it works, more often it don't. Thats the beauty of digital tecnique, just toss the bad once. *s*
I do like to portrait people, but i'm not very good at making contact with others, so that have to wait.

In the future i'm going to start a new adventure. To take photos with my grandfathers camera made in the mid 20s. That will be interesting... *lol*
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