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Cedric Sims's Recent Galleries

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07-Dec-2024 02:36
Driving around Sloughouse
:: Driving around Sloughouse ::
05-Dec-2024 03:16
Various Birds
:: Various Birds ::
30-Nov-2024 03:37
Local Fall colors
:: Local Fall colors  ::
29-Nov-2024 18:16
San Francisco & surounding areas Architecture & Street
:: San Francisco & surounding areas Architecture & Street ::
23-Oct-2024 19:30
Vermont 2018
:: Vermont 2018 ::
17-Oct-2024 19:19
 Electric Towers Sunsets Sunrises , Moonrise & Moonsets
::  Electric Towers Sunsets Sunrises , Moonrise & Moonsets ::
15-Oct-2024 17:13
Night Sky
:: Night Sky ::
14-Oct-2024 17:47
Northern Lights
:: Northern Lights ::
27-Jul-2024 03:42
       California State Fair  2006- 2024
::  California State Fair 2006- 2024 ::
18-Jul-2024 20:20
Union Pacific Big Boy 4014 Steam Train
:: Union Pacific Big Boy 4014 Steam Train ::
25-Jun-2024 17:58
Squirrels in the back yard
:: Squirrels in the back yard ::
15-Jun-2024 04:44
Various Sunsets
:: Various Sunsets ::