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All Cameras >> Tamron >> Tamron SP AF 24-135mm f/3.5-5.6

Tamron SP AF 24-135mm f/3.5-5.6 Lens Sample Photos

Random Tamron SP AF 24-135mm f/3.5-5.6 Samples from 1560 available Photos more
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Tigadee17-Mar-2008 01:53
For the price (about half that of the Canon 28-135mm IS USM and 1/3rd the 24-105mm IS USM L), optical quality, zoom range and features, it's a great value-for-money lens that produces very good results. I give it high marks because I consider the parameters of this lens and the target user market, not just straightaway comparing to much more expensive top-of-the-range lenses. Sure, the apertures aren't that great, and the autofocus could be zippier, but otherwise this lens is not only useful but gives results that are above average and very satisfactory, and one can't ask for more than that. And my test results were from a 5D, not the easiest of cameras to please where lenses are concerned! The lens cap is a good design, focusing is internal and the lens hood as a standard accessory is a nice touch comapred to the Canons where lens hoods are optional! And the zoom lock ensures that lens creep is kept away for as long as possible (which is a welcomed feature after the less than satisfactory Tamron 28-105mm f2.8).
Guest 17-Jun-2007 02:15
This is just my favourite all-round zoom lens, which like a lot of my lenses, I bought second-hand in Tokyo. I resisted buying others because of quality concerns, but this has never let me down. The sharpness and 'feel' of the images are excellent. I suppose it is missing VR, but then again, I feel that this is something that should be included in the camera body, now the technology exists to do so. It's a bit heavy, too, but still just the thing for those who don't want to compromise on quality (I bought it on the strength of online user-feedback).

Have a look here for some of my photos with this lens-
Chris Clay01-Feb-2006 05:29

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