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All Cameras >> Sony >> Sony DSLR-A300

Sony DSLR-A300 SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 31-Jan-2008
Lens Mount: Alpha
Megapixels: 10.2
Random Sony DSLR-A300 Samples from 6291 available Photos more
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Guest 11-Jul-2008 17:09
I just bought me this A300 and I love it. I love the fact that it has a self cleaning mode but in any case, this is really perfect. I have 7 digital cameras and most of them are slim/sleek ones so if I can't take my Canon EOS 30D and this A300? then I will have to take my other slim/sleek ones with me to some venues.
Justin Miller24-Apr-2008 13:58
And now to update...I've got a gallery of A300 photos up now...feel free to take a look:
Justin Miller16-Apr-2008 17:58
My A300 arrived a few days ago, and I was quickly able to get used to the button and control arrangement, which is quite intuitive and very good. Ergonomically, the camera is very comfortable and the grip is perfect. The camera build is extremely solid. The LCD is bright and clear, and the optical viewfinder is clear and bright (though smaller than other DSLRs, it is significantly bigger and better than EVFs on most P&S cameras). Burst mode speed is a hair better than 3fps, front control dial for changing ISO, shutter, and aperture values is quick and logical, and the 6 main settings on the LCD in OVF mode are all quick and easy to set. Color and sharpness are excellent at default values in normal mode. So far, I've mostly shot with the Tamron 200-500 lens, which is an absolutely excellent lens for the money - amazingly sharp at all focal lengths, and no corner softness, CA, or PF at all. Check out my gallery for samples. I've also got the 18-70 kit lens, and the Sony 18-250 zoom, but haven't used or tested either extensively yet. Overall performance is excellent, with instant focus, no lag, seamless live view implementation, good burst speed, and great IQ.

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