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All Cameras >> Sony >> Sony DSC-H5

Sony DSC-H5 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 25-Feb-2006
Megapixels: 7.2
Random Sony DSC-H5 Samples from 24057 available Photos more
g2/30/628930/3/65461729.2Rfe87gi.jpg g4/16/721416/3/91526711.bwlI8ne9.jpg g3/30/628930/3/121717599.DyrcL7Zt.jpg g6/76/410576/3/68897595.9ZwdaSvD.jpg
g1/64/61764/3/98027690.eY2qOa7H.jpg g6/06/371906/3/82734549.zCmGqtD1.jpg g3/74/818974/3/95244396.vT3bcsML.jpg g3/30/628930/3/121713323.cUqJQ2qP.jpg
g5/73/564073/3/99138090.25Ye0ROG.jpg g6/70/695770/3/76869581.mioRgbFV.jpg g1/74/818974/3/104946972.ayrXfImT.jpg g6/06/8406/3/90204269.rqKvgn0t.jpg

Erkan Erdem17-Mar-2008 22:47
Great one, using since 2 years and very happy with it till now.
Guest 06-Nov-2007 14:35
I got my H5 camera last year and I'm impressed about the results it can provide. Far from being a professional one, but it is quite good.
morryb200016-Aug-2007 14:27
I bought it for a trip to China. I am very impressed with the range afforded by the 12x optical zoom. It saved me from having to lug a DSLR and several lenses. I have some 16 x 20 enlargements (Costco) that are quite spectacular. A few of the hundreds I took can be seen at
Guest 17-Jan-2007 09:28
I bought mine some 2-3 months ago. Very reliable camera, not perfect though....
Guest 31-Dec-2006 19:40
I've had mine since Christmas, and I am really impressed with the images!
Guest 16-Aug-2006 06:56
I've had my DSC-H5 for about three weeks now. A very enjoyable camera indeed. The 12x zoom is super - it allows you to get very close to people, wildlife, boats, airplanes, scenes, ets. I also purchased a 1.7x tele extender, which gives a total zoom of 20.4 times :)

And the fact that you only need 2 AA batteries is great! The image quality I'd put at 4.5 out of 5. I've certainly seen worse pictures taken with professional DSLRs. If you simply must have the best picture quality possible, plus a zoom like this, get ready to spend at least five times more for a DSLR body together with super expensive zoom lense. And such a combination would be much larger and heavier. Otherwise, H5 is bound to give you many fabulous pictures for much, much less $$$
Guest 03-Aug-2006 15:40
Just got mine last weekend.. so far so good. Still learning the ropes..just uploaded some pictures..feel free to take a look (only the last three are with the Sony)
Justin Miller20-Jul-2006 17:53
I've had my H5 gallery up for some time, but as a new pbase user, I didn't realize you could add comments and links. Feel free to look through my gallery for samples from the H5:

I make changes and add to it often.
Frank17-Jun-2006 21:23
Some samples (original) from the H5:
Guest 31-May-2006 11:55
Just recieved word from Ritz camera that mine is in the mail.
Should be similar to the H1.
I will do a small gallery once it arrives.

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