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All Cameras >> Sony >> Sony DSC-F828

Sony DSC-F828 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 15-Aug-2003
Megapixels: 8
Random Sony DSC-F828 Samples from 35164 available Photos more
u41/stfchallenge/medium/26744433.hereslooking.jpg g6/32/17632/3/85907469.1JQ842ou.jpg g6/99/649199/3/84842484.M4fPNPQC.jpg v3/29/514329/3/46674157.002piqueniquenocentralpark.jpg
g4/99/649199/3/140806368.VoH3ozrc.jpg u42/nowhereatoll/medium/27283978.westendPanoFxSh2sm.jpg g6/29/514329/3/68847601.olWcaJeU.jpg u35/jcribou/medium/34226327.Strasbourg81.jpg
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LW Hovelkamp16-Jan-2012 20:56
works, I meant
LW Hovelkamp16-Jan-2012 20:56
I still like my Sony F828. The view finder is a little small compared to today's, but it's fine. Mine is mint, still have the original box and packing. I have DSC-TX10 for everyday use. Woks nice too cause just slide down the lens cover, great in pocket cam.
Fred29-Dec-2011 23:56
For sale : Sony DSC-F828 :-
RUANO23-Jan-2011 05:11
Excelente cámara una de mis preferidas. Hace hermosas fotografias.
Guest 11-Jan-2011 04:40
The greatest camera in the world! Here are 900 images of it:
Roe..02-Jun-2008 23:08
I like the camera BUT think I have a's been in the shop for repair at least 4x's..nice for low light images and sweet's my backup camera when it's not being repaired..
Guest 15-Aug-2006 13:45
I like it's capability to accept both CF and MS cards as well as the popular F series batteries. I don't have any worries of losing out battery and shots during my travels
Guest 02-Aug-2006 18:23
Love my F828! Awesome all in one camera!
Guest 28-May-2006 22:54
If you already own a DSLR, this is a good backup camera to own as well. Smaller than a DSLR, but just as good in most respects and takes a quality photograph. The 28-200mm range is most welcome and with 8 MPixels to play with, you can't ge wrong. Excellent.
Guest 28-May-2006 22:53
If you already own a DSLR, this is a good backup camera to own as well. Smaller than a DSLR, but just as good in most respects and takes a quality photograph. The 28-200mm range is most welcome and with 8 MPixels to play with, you can't ge wrong. Excellent.
Guest 16-Oct-2005 04:00
great camera.
Guest 16-Oct-2005 03:59
great camera.

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