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All Cameras >> Sony >> Sony Alpha NEX-7

Sony Alpha NEX-7 SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 24-Aug-2011
Megapixels: 24.3
Random Sony Alpha NEX-7 Samples from 17892 available Photos more
g4/24/780224/3/145604844.P9k39Jpq.jpg g9/85/823685/3/152347880.OiuUJgg6.jpg g4/58/11158/3/143831662.Ay0FnEbM.jpg g4/22/635822/3/145850350.X5UOSqbf.jpg
g9/14/328214/3/154423860.iV6XhMKj.jpg g4/42/269142/3/141733934.iG67SFr1.jpg g9/85/823685/3/150932788.8idwHDQs.jpg g9/04/645604/3/151268002.tZGtOTDt.jpg
g9/54/364954/3/164356336.71ALzayU.jpg g4/24/780224/3/145595025.4dRBk6dl.jpg g9/76/39676/3/151736070.24ouSB1Q.jpg g2/14/328214/3/148638059.I8Ao8OxP.jpg

leecasler127-Dec-2012 00:04
not impressed. Lots of overexposure and poor saturation

Lou Giroud21-Jun-2012 03:55

Find lens tests with adapters on that gallery. Will be updated with every new lens I can get in my hands.
Lou Giroud19-Jun-2012 11:24
Why does Sony not put on the market this body with a 18 mpix and eventually a 12 mpix. It would make a huge set of cameras for all needs.
SiliconVoid17-Jun-2012 17:44
Some great innovations in the NEX-7.
It would be great though if Sony would put them in the NEX-5N which has a much better looking sensor. More than that though Sony really needs to provide some decent lenses.. Over-amping the sensor so you can use their pos f/5.6 and f/6.3 lenses may be great for 'snapshots' but falls terribly short of providing glass for serious photography - this is after all marketed towards the enthusiast photographer.

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