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All Cameras >> Sony >> Sony Alpha DSLR A-900

Sony Alpha DSLR A-900 SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 09-Sep-2008
Lens Mount: Fixed
Megapixels: 24.6
Random Sony Alpha DSLR A-900 Samples from 26621 available Photos more
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Guest 20-Jun-2009 17:59
Guest 20-Jun-2009 17:58 pictures taken with Sony Alfa 900
Lou Giroud15-Jun-2009 09:38
The A700 has almost same body as the A900, same style, 2 cardslots. For sure, the A700 has an other pentaprism, smaller viewfinder and sensor. The Capture device is half of the one of the A900, but, still an exmor. Yes the A700 was introduced earlier the the A900. The firmware has been updated recently and it seems to make better results on noise flattening.
I posted the information when my reseller informed about a new A700 with same capture device then a the A900 what revealed indeed as an error. But, let's say that the A700 can be called the small brother of the A900 or, since it was first on the market, the A900 is the big brother. Technology of both cameras is almost identical anyway. Just one thing Ron writes is wrong, the A700 is not an advancement or progression of the 7D. If we look it from that point of view, just any camera on the market is a progression of it's predecessor. The A700 has in it's built and technology really nothing to do with the 7D. What both have in common is that they are both digitals from same manufacturer.
Sony bought Minolta with the staff and the factory. Those that make Sony digital dslr's have never met or seen those that develop Sony's point and shoot and I hope they never will.
Ron30-May-2009 05:13
The A700 is NOT the same body as the A900.
The A700 was introduced to market a full year before the A900.
The A700 does NOT have the same specs as the A900.
The A700 is the advancement of the Minolta 7D (Sony having acquired Minolta).
The A900 is the FullFrame DSLR based on the original Minolta design.
Lou Giroud11-Feb-2009 03:16
Sony has invested a lot to make the A700 with same body as A900 and a 12.3 mpix half sized capture device, just hope to see pictures of it soon.
Lou Giroud11-Feb-2009 02:51

A700 is on market. Same specs as A900 - 880$ the body

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