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All Cameras >> Sigma >> Sigma 50mm F1.4 EX DG HSM

Sigma 50mm F1.4 EX DG HSM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 18-Mar-2008
Lens: 50mm f/1.4
Random Sigma 50mm F1.4 EX DG HSM Samples from 2647 available Photos more
g4/35/664835/3/136305773.csloZz2z.jpg g1/07/714607/3/126500914.PZ9FVHun.jpg g9/22/783022/3/154248129.TPqsuupT.jpg g3/68/686468/3/124357484.aZnVajfR.jpg
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Wil Bloodworth18-Dec-2009 20:42
I received my copy this week and I absolutely love this lens. It's much better than any 50mm Nikon or Canon I've ever owned. It may not be as sharp in the corners but the images just have an awesome "feeling" to them. I compare it to the images from my Zeiss Macro 100mm f/2 ZF Makro-Planar T* lens... although the Zeiss costs much more and is manual focus.
J. Scott Coile10-Oct-2009 01:52
I guess I got lucky. The copy I got rocks. After reading a couple of reviews, I know it was the exception to the rule. I won't be parting with mine. Love it!
J. Scott Coile10-Oct-2009 01:51
I guess I got lucky. The copy I got rocks. After reading a couple of reviews, I know it was the exception to the rule. I won't be parting with mine. Love it!
J. Scott Coile10-Oct-2009 01:50
I guess I got lucky. The copy I got rocks. After reading a couple of reviews, I know it was the exception to the rule. I won't be parting with mine. Love it!
J. Scott Coile10-Oct-2009 01:50
I guess I got lucky. The copy I got rocks. After reading a couple of reviews, I know it was the exception to the rule. I won't be parting with mine. Love it!
J. Scott Coile10-Oct-2009 01:49
I guess I got lucky. The copy I got rocks. After reading a couple of reviews, I know it was the exception to the rule. I won't be parting with mine. Love it!
J. Scott Coile10-Oct-2009 01:47
I guess I got lucky. The copy I got rocks. After reading a couple of reviews, I know it was the exception to the rule. I won't be parting with mine. Love it!
aperture5707-Oct-2009 15:37
I wanted to like this lens. But my copy was so front-focused I had to return it.
aperture5707-Oct-2009 15:36
I wanted to like this lens. But my copy was so front-focused I had to return it.

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