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All Cameras >> Sigma >> Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro

Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 21-Jun-2004
Lens: 105mm f/2.8
Random Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro Samples from 10495 available Photos more
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Guest 16-Nov-2008 06:01
This is my first macro lens and am really happy with the lens. Nice and sharp but a little noisy in the motor. It did take a little time to get used to the focus speed though as it seems to search.
Very happy with it now.
some photos taken with it here:
Guest 07-Jun-2008 18:19
This is my favorite lens. Nice sharp images and the bokeh is to my liking.
Guest 23-Jan-2008 12:55
Es sencillamente mi lente perfecto.
Guest 28-Dec-2007 16:36
I upgraded from the Sigma 50mm macro and this is a very nice lens, Images are very sharp.
Makes a great portraits lens. I am pleased so far. no issues.
Guest 21-Oct-2007 15:25
This is a sharp macro lens and fun to use. At first I have difficulty to choose between the Tamron 90mm and Sigma, as I know the Tamron is also very good lens. Finally, i decided to pick the Sigma, mainly because of the 105mm focal lenght; I can get the same butterfly size at longer distance. I have a special gallery for this lens:
Guest 16-Apr-2007 02:38

Here are some Sigma 105mm-pictures taken in Norway..

Best regards
Ole Reynert Olsen
one of very few Sigma SD10-owners in Norway
Guest 19-Jun-2006 13:26
you can see my pictures taken with this lens here. I'm enjoying it a lot so far
Guest 19-Jun-2006 13:26
you can see my pictures taken with this lens here. I'm enjoying it a lot so far
Guest 12-Jun-2006 09:42
My first macro lens and my first Sigma lens. I am very impressed with the picture quality. I agree its great for portraits with f2.8 as well as standard macro photography. For the proce you pay this lens is very good value.

I have a gallery of pics taken with this lens on my Canon 350D at:
Guest 13-Apr-2006 04:08
this is a really nice lenses. so far, i'm quit happy with them.
Guest 13-Apr-2006 04:08
this is a really nice lenses. so far, i'm quit happy with them.
Sergio Manor22-Mar-2006 15:19
Hi All,

I like to see my pictures with my new Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro,
here, between the samples.

All the best
Guest 14-Feb-2006 16:50
Excellent lens for portrait. I used it to do portraits in my instructor's studio. With F2.8, I don't need a tripod.

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