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All Cameras >> Sigma >> Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC HSM

Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC HSM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 14-Feb-2005
Lens: 10-20mm
Random Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC HSM Samples from 19858 available Photos more
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SRW28-Dec-2012 06:24
One of my favourite lenses -- usually combined with a polarizing filter, for big skies, etc.; and landscapes; as well as architecture. The resultant pictures are always sharp; and often draw admiring comments...! (It's amazing, also, just how close to objects this will still focus....)
Barry S Moore10-Jul-2012 12:17
My previous comment still stands as this lens still amases me. I now have a full frame camera and it works with a large amount of vigenetting.However if you crop the 5616 X 3744 full frame image to 4000 X 2667 you will achieve an equivalent 14mm image from your full frame camera at this resolution, which is a 2mm improvement on the APS-C wideangle. If you push the aspect ratio a little from 3:2 to 2:1 (Ie wider and shorter crop) you can achieve a 12mm wideangle equivalent - Great for stunning wideangles oe super wide indoor panoramas with just the 1 image.
Herea an example
philbourgeois04-Oct-2010 08:38
I bought this lens at a bargain price off of a friend who has since gone FF. I'm still unsure as to whether I like it or not. Under specific conditions I have taken some great pictures...but more often the sharpness of the lens is questionable. I find the Softness in the corners to be particulairly troublesome. And the slowness of the lens is problematic in day to day shooting.

I think the Tokina 11-16mm would have been the better choice for me.
Guest 10-Aug-2010 04:55
My go to lens for wide angle. It is not the sharpest lens in my kit, but it does very well stopped down. Its results have excellent color and contrast. I am always suprised how much I use it when I get home from a trip. Click on my name and check out my gallerys if you are interested in my use of this lens.
Russ Cushman20-Jun-2010 21:38
Sample photos and 100% crops.
Guest 19-Jun-2009 12:33
I bought this lens for my Canon 40D which I was having trouble getting the shots I wanted due to the 1.6 crop factor the 40D has. This enabled me to get the same shots and angles as the Canon 5D Mark II with a 17-40 L lens which is a full frame camera. I was a bit hesitant at first because I didn’t like Canon’s non L lenses (except the Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM which is awesome) and since I had a sigma with an old F body 35mm Nikon years ago and really didn’t care for it I was double hesitant. But sometimes you have to go for it and I did and I am really glad I did! This lens doesn’t disappoint. It is crystal clear and gives my 40D room to breathe. Buy it, you won’t be disappointed.
marxz25-Apr-2009 09:56
Bought this for a wedding shoot as my canon 17-35 2.8 L was not wide enough on a crop body for the large outdoor group shots I was going to need for that wedding. I was going to sell it off or mothball it but its colour rendering is superb, better in fact than my L series wide angle and stopped down 2 stops it only loses a little in center sharpness and has better edge sharpness compared to that same L series lens.
As a result it's now my most frequently used lens particularly for street and landscape work.

Build quality is actually quite good... I've dropped my copy 1.5 meters on to cement... the rear mount actually popped off... ribbon cable still connected... but thankfully no elements broken, I simply collected the screws off the floor and screwed the mount back on, some test shots latter showed it still focused perfectly and the elements were still in alignment, a similar drop some years earlier sent my Canon 28-70 2.8 L in for some very, very expensive repairs
Flare control is good for a UWA no other ultra wide or wide angle zoom I own is significantly more flare resistant.
OoF blur (Bokeh) is nothing special but that's not really an issue on a lens with the sort of DoF you find here.
Andrew Holman13-Nov-2008 17:36
It is possible to get sharp images with this lens, as long as you work in F9-F11 range.
Well built with a low price, it may be worth adding to your kit.
I borrowed this lens for a week, but I'm still in two minds whether buy my own!
Andrew Holman13-Nov-2008 17:30
It is possible to get sharp images with this lens, as long as you work in F9-F11 range.
Well built with a low price, it may be worth adding to your kit.
I borrowed this lens for a week, but I'm still in two minds whether buy my own!
James Clarke27-Jun-2008 23:15
Excellently built lens and very sharp, I've have 5 friends using it on Nikon, Canon and Pentax cameras as well, and everyone is very happy with their copy.

I originally used it on D50 and now I've upgraded to a D80 and can report that the Sigma 10-20 handles 10MP brilliantly.

Here's a gallery of the busy shopping action at couple of shopping arcades in Kobe Japan that I took using this lens on the D50:-
Stephen Bryant26-Apr-2008 06:25
Well after two years and lots of use I had the lens serviced and re calibrated by Sigma. All done for £33.95. Results can seen here
Barry S Moore17-Feb-2008 08:30
A brilliant lens, sharp and little to no distortion at the extremities. This is a really fun lens. The close focus could be a little better but you can push it by stopping down and get some terrific close ups. The 20mm end equates to 35mm on a 400d which is a nice size for landscapes too. Have a look at my gallery of sample images at
Guest 29-Jan-2008 09:25
This is an excellent lens in terms of build quality, picture quality, and sharpness. I never would have found so many uses for a 10-20mm lens besides landscape, but it proved to pay itself off rather quickly!

Here is a quick sample shot at 10MM:
Guest 29-Jan-2008 09:24
This is an excellent lens in terms of build quality, picture quality, and sharpness. I never would have found so many uses for a 10-20mm lens besides landscape, but it proved to pay itself off rather quickly!

Here is a quick sample shot at 10MM:
Guest 29-Jan-2008 09:23
This is an excellent lens in terms of build quality, picture quality, and sharpness. I never would have found so many uses for a 10-20mm lens besides landscape, but it proved to pay itself off rather quickly!

Here is a quick sample shot at 10MM:
Guest 19-Jan-2008 18:18
I originally had the 12-24 Sigma on my Canon 30D DSLR but I needed something a little wider for interior shots. The Sigma 10-20 is so nice to hull around for those hiking trips. The color and contrast are pretty good. Sharpness is solid around F8-F11. Here are some shots taken with the lens!
Mostafa Moftah17-Oct-2007 19:42

Sample shot:
Tim Masih30-Jun-2007 05:21
W.I.D.E and very very fun..
Guest 26-Jun-2007 00:32

The last 10 are taken with a 10-20mm..
I love the lense..
Ali Majdfar08-May-2007 08:12
This is a really WIDE, sharp and robust constructed lens. It is ideal for scenes and architecture photography as well as landscapes. I'm totally happy about its performance and recommend it to wide view lovers. Here are some samples:
Stephen Bryant16-Apr-2007 19:34
Outstanding lens, super wide, super sharp and super colours. I have 4 Sigma lenses and not had any problems with any of them, great build, silent focusing, I could go on.
Only downside with this lens I have had is when using ND grads in a holder, it is that wide I could see the filter holder. 2 mins with a small saw and all is good again. Chopped the holder not the lens.
Sample pics here
Guest 05-Jan-2007 17:40
Here some samples with late afternoon light, all with focal @10-12-14mm:
Using Nikon D200 and Fuji S3pro.
Guest 05-Jan-2007 17:31
You can find some exaples of pictures taken with Sigma 10-20 on a Fuji S3pro in this gallery:

In this other below, many (but not all) shots with Sigma 10-20 on a Nikon D200:

Hope you enjoy the photo-tour,
Ciao, Paolo.
Bill Warren08-Nov-2006 02:15
Most people use wide angle for far away scenic captures or widely distorted close-ups. I like to work the middle ground with the Sigma 10-20 and shoot close ups that don't scream wide angle shot at you. Here's a recent example.
Guest 30-Oct-2006 21:57
Some pics

rather strong postprocessing

Ben D. Mor16-Oct-2006 15:11
My gallery with pics from both the Canon EF-S 10-22 and the Sigma 10-20 EX has now moved to:
Ben D. Mor26-Jun-2006 05:57
I have now added the Canon EF-S 10-22 to my Sigma 10-20 EX gallery. See: This is by no means a controlled test, but the gallery does give an idea of how these lenses compare.
Having worked with both, I find only small differences. The Canon has slightly better color and contrast, the Sigma is a bit sharper and better built. Of course, this depends also on the copy you get.
Guest 15-Jun-2006 14:37
Brent shows why it's probably a good idea to arm yourself with the Sigma 10-20mm if you ever consider going on a trip to Kauai :>
Guest 23-Apr-2006 06:53
I think this is an excellent lens if you do not get one which has a defocussing issue (my second copy is simply superb)!
Mike Stobbs07-Mar-2006 16:56
Samples from this lens are throughout my galleries. Images are very sharpe when printed.
I'm using this on a new D200 Nikon.
Ben D. Mor08-Feb-2006 16:09
Though not the sharpest, this lens has very good color and contrast.
I have a gallery here:
Guest 25-Jan-2006 01:05
Outstanding UWA!!! I have lots of fun using this photographic tool. My only complaint is the viewfinder brightness is cut by at least 25% b/c of its slower 4.5-5.6 low light MF is somewhat tough...other than that its excellent in every aspect.
Guest 03-Jan-2006 13:08
If you use 10mm a lot this is the best lens you can get for APSC. I have some samples here:
Flemming Bo Jensen Photography13-Dec-2005 09:26
Perfect for shots like this:

More examples, see the newest images in my Copenhagen gallery:
Guest 19-Nov-2005 22:35
I just got this lens about a week ago. Here is my gallery of images using this lens
Guest 26-Oct-2005 22:50
Oops, forgot to give the url. Here:
Guest 26-Oct-2005 22:48
Here are some more photos taken with this lens. I'll add more as I get around to them.
Sandy Fleischmann09-Sep-2005 12:28
sample shots, will add more to gallery at
Guest 25-Aug-2005 12:02
Attached link for some pic by this lens
Guest 12-Aug-2005 23:07
Thanks for the links!
SP Merrill12-Aug-2005 14:37
This is my first shot with it handheld, very early in the morning:
and a few here also handheld:
this should hold until pbase start to turn on whatever function to get the pics. to show here.
Guest 12-Aug-2005 12:40
I like to compare the Canon and Sigma, too. It is a mistake because I found some examples of the Sigma under and (recommended). I had the Sigma 12-24, but I sold it because it had issues to focus under normal light conditions.
Guest 12-Aug-2005 10:28
I was wondering the same thing. Would like to see how this lens compares to the Tokina 12-24 and the Canon 10-22, but I guess we're out of luck :(
SP Merrill11-Aug-2005 16:28
There are some photo sample but they don't seem to appear here?

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