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Pentax K-5 SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 10-Sep-2010
Megapixels: 16.3
Random Pentax K-5 Samples from 51310 available Photos more
g9/89/958089/3/158738138.OswqGIMH.jpg g9/28/907128/3/159454855.9sbAfLR5.jpg g4/05/546405/3/137726016.PijWD6is.jpg g2/17/926817/3/148402208.gzGFcI3Z.jpg
g9/66/36466/3/153494868.hIm7m9Y1.jpg g9/17/926817/3/155208385.VaRRvflj.jpg g4/51/659951/3/136633800.JBYT29n1.jpg g1/63/768563/3/146222321.jqUZ5z44.jpg
g4/06/903406/3/144050344.K45lxrjF.jpg g9/43/765243/3/160739855.crZ1ZT9d.jpg g1/51/659951/3/146261831.5acsHz2I.jpg g9/06/903406/3/158277284.BaMdrozV.jpg

Peteris Strautins05-Apr-2011 18:54

Just bought the camera today with 18-135 lens. Very positive impressions, performance is amazingly fast, camera feels very solid and reassuring. Already on camera's screen it is very obvious that dynamic range is much better than for most SLRs. Colors are just perfect.
I am only not sure that I like the lens, chromatic aberration is very strong in some situations, turning on the camera's CA correction didn't help.

You can see some full resolution samples here:
Other samples will be supplied later in other galleries.

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