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Pentax K20D SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 23-Jan-2008
Megapixels: 14.6
Random Pentax K20D Samples from 55131 available Photos more
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Guest 25-Aug-2009 01:21
I use the 28-200mm, the 17-28mm fisheye, the 50mm macro 2.8 (MF), the 135mm f/2.5 (MF), the Cosina 100mm f/3.5, and i can´t complain about it. Everything is sharp and clear, and that's what i love about Pentax, endless nº off affordable lens, and all shake reducted. Isn´t that great!!!!!!
cesarb02-Jun-2009 00:39
I planning to buy a new camera and the K20D looks very interesting, but I am getting started with a DSLR, I have a MZ5 Pentax and I want to save some money for a zoom, so I want to use my 10 year-old lens (35 - 80 mm F SMC) from the old camera for a while. Does somebody has a comment on using this older lens and a Pentax DSLR? Thanks for the previous comments and pictures of this camera, they are excellent.
Guest 12-Mar-2009 17:38
Hi Craig, that is something you can deal with. Just reajust brightness and compensate with the ISO, and that's it. The point is that K20d is such a good deal, the resolution, the colors, the endless affordable lens, the colors, the reability of the system and it is so well buit.To get something like this from other manufacter you have to go for a D300/700, or a Canon 40D/50D, much more expensive. But excellent cameras by the way. Everything is great on this camera, like everything in life is a question of taste and needs... and money as well. Cameras are cameras, ones better than others, but at this level all of them are good.
TAKE CARE, i hope you make the right choice for you, and you know what...take your time, don't rush.
Craig 11-Mar-2009 01:54
I'm thinking about buying a K20D. I've never owned a DSLR. From the sample pics, the camera has great resolution. I'm only a little concerned that the brightness is lacking a little. But if I go with a Canon I get better brightness, but less resolution.
Guest 20-Feb-2009 23:48
Hi Delog, i belive this camera will please you.
People have a certain tendence to cry out loud, "what i own is better than your's", and it is not. There are lot's of comments going that way, "Nikon is so much better", "Canon is far better"...and so on. One thing is compare cameras, another thing is to make judgement, and that should be made racionaly. All judgements or analisys leads to an end, the right choice...and choices are made according to your needs and preferences.
If the K20D suites your needs, just go for it, it is a great tool, superb camera.
Solid, reliable, and the detail and ISO performance is the best i've seen lately. It is a very affordable system, there are certainly thousands of lens available on the Ebay.
Ricoh, Pentax takumar, Voigtlander, Pratika, Zenitar, Sigma, Tamron, Miranda, Vivitar, Cosina, Carl Zeiss Jena, Chinon, Samsung, Etc.
Go for it, and i'm sure you won't regret, i also own a K10D, and i'm so pleased with it.
Pentax Rocks, take care.
See you.
blizzard17-Feb-2009 04:29
thank you Joao
I did manage to take a few shots with this camera
a very very underrated camera
photos taken 800 ISO and down came very close to my Nikon d300
easy to use and has a good selection of lens I will repeat a very under rated camera!
Guest 16-Feb-2009 22:37
As far as i can see, and compare, this Pentax is another winner.
Superb image quality, noise control, and a solid performance overall.
It is not the fastest of cameras(i also owned a Nikon D200), but let's be honest, 3 frames is more than enough for the comum user. I hardly use the powerful frame rate from my D200. Pentax is a precious tool, solid and performant in other aspects.
Not better or worset than the other camera, diferent and with a lot of features.
Another winner from this mitic manufacturer, a joy to use, and use for the years to come.
I'm gonna get one for myself.
Regards to you all.
blizzard06-Feb-2009 14:26
hey Pentax people how about a review of the new K20

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